The Key Elements for Marathon Recovery
- Post-marathon recovery nutrition is hugely important to allow your body to repair itself.
- Adequate carbohydrate, protein and fluid post-race are some of the key elements for optimal recovery.
- A suitable recovery plan and correct preparation for recovery prior to the race is extremely important.
Placing the focus on nutrition for recovery after a marathon is of upmost importance– let’s face it, your body is going to be severely challenged by the race! Post-race recovery nutrition is hugely important to allow your body recuperate from the stress and impact of the race. Running a marathon takes a huge toll on your body, but if you don’t follow the key steps to aid your recovery, you put yourself at risk for picking up an infection or simply having an extended recovery time where you feel sore and fatigued. This can make it extremely difficult to get back into a regular exercise routine and may reduce your motivation to get back out running, or doing any form of exercise for that matter. Appropriate nutrition after the race is something that is often neglected by athletes due to the excitement or relief of finishing, but its importance should really not be underestimated.
Physiological Impact of the Race
A marathon pushes your body to its limits. No matter how fit you are, running over 26 miles will have a big impact on your body. The energy expended during the marathon is greater than 2,500 calories (which means you almost double your energy needs for that 24 hours), and results in significant fuel and fluid losses. As a result, your muscles will be fatigued, damaged and sore. Additionally, your body will also release stress hormones that not only impair your rate of recovery, but also can suppress your immune system. With all of this in mind, you must plan your recovery to ensure you have all the necessary foods and fluids after the race to help you recover and get back to your normal self as soon as possible.
Getting Started at the Finish Line
The immediate nutrition goal is to replace the lost fluids and depleted fuel stores with a suitable recovery meal. In the first part of our marathon series, we discussed the fuel that the body uses during the race which is a combination of both fats and carbohydrate (glycogen, the stored form of carbs). Glycogen stores in particular will be heavily depleted after the race and if your aim is to be back running at a good pace in the days after the race, then you must aim to replenish these energy stores. Although many runners may not feel hungry immediately after a race, it is important to eat some food as soon as possible to initiate the recovery process, even if that is only a fruit juice and yogurt or a protein shake and fruit.
The food available on-site after the marathon is often highly-processed and unsuitable for recovery, where you could be handed anything from a burger to a plain sandwich with cheap filling when you cross the line. Some people may think that because they have burned a large amount of calories, there is an opportunity to eat any type of food they want, or reward themselves for the tough race, but this is certainly not the case from a recovery point of view. Processed foods will offer little or no nutrients (e.g. plant-based antioxidants) that are a rich source to assist your body with recovery. Aim to provide your body with an abundance of nutrients from various whole food sources, as this is critical in reducing inflammation and assisting with repair of sore and damaged muscles.
What to Eat?
So if you are going to get recovery off to a good start, then you can’t rely on what you are provided and it is essential that you have your own food prepared with you. Home-made granola bars with fruit juice or chopped fruit with some granola and natural yoghurt would be a good start, and are easily packed and transported.
The immediate requirement is to consume a meal combining sources of fast (easily) digesting carbohydrate with a small amount of protein to initiate the recovery process. This initial recovery period is when the body has the greatest ability to absorb nutrients (specifically carbohydrate), but also drive muscle repair if you provide it with protein and adequate nutrients. The type of carbohydrate is particularly important during this phase. Fast-digesting carbohydrate (e.g. white rice) will result in faster restoration of glycogen compared to slow-digesting carbohydrate sources (e.g. sweet potato). This can be due to both total carbohydrate volume and also the level of fibre in certain foods.
The intake of protein is another essential component of recovery from a marathon. The fundamental role of protein after exercise is to promote recovery by helping to repair damaged muscle fibres. The guideline for protein intake after intense performance is between 0.3-0.5 grams per kg body mass (about 20-40g for the average sized individual), which is easily catered for in a meal that includes unprocessed meats, fresh vegetables and some rice. A Chicken Curry is a simple example of an appropriate recovery meal that is high in carbohydrate and protein and rich in nutrients.
Rehydration after the race is another priority. Depending on environmental conditions, your body weight and race pace, fluid losses can range anywhere from 2 litres up to 5 litres during a marathon. These fluids must be replaced at a ratio of 1.5 litres of fluid for every 1 kg lost, meaning an intake of more than 6 litres of fluid in some cases.
A key point here is to be practical with rehydration strategies, as clearly 5 litres of fluid is an impractical amount to consume in one sitting. Best practice at the moment dictates that such recommendations on 1.5 litres of fluid for every 1 kg lost are addressed over the 6 hours after performance. In simple terms, drinking more than 1 litre per hour is probably excessive in this time period. If your race has finished late in the evening and bedtime calls before the 6 hour window closes, it is appropriate to continue the rehydration efforts during the following morning.
Essential Nutrients
The intake of a wide-range of micronutrients which include vitamins, minerals and antioxidants is another vital consideration for marathon recovery. Micronutrients assist with tissue repair, support the immune system and help to remove toxins from the blood and muscle tissue. Foods that are rich in micronutrients and antioxidants such as ginger, cherries, blueberries, turmeric, green tea and a variety of other fresh fruits and vegetables should be a priority in all meals. These antioxidant rich foods will help to reduce exercise-induced inflammation.
Due to inadequate preparation, excitement, fatigue and lack of availability of nutritious foods, runners and athletes may neglect their recovery after a marathon. It is vital that you go to the race prepared with your own provision of nutritious foods to consume after the race. Don’t rely on the food that is provided as it will often be highly processed and deficient of the essential nutrients your body requires to recover. Fruits and homemade snack bars are a good first option, then in the following hours vegetables, unprocessed meats, fish, nuts and seeds are good choices. Eating these foods after the race will help you to recover faster and have you back in your regular routine as quickly as possible. And remember, recovery from a marathon is more than a 12-24 hour process, such that for two to three days after the race you should continue to focus on all aspects of recovery to allow your body recover properly, and get back on the roads.
Eva, our performance dietitian, is running a ‘Fueling for a Marathon Webinar‘ on October 11th at 7:30pm, which will support and optimize your marathon nutrition to allow you to reach peak performance on race day! You can sign up here.
Check out the rest of our marathon series on our blog page.
If you would like more information or clarification on exactly what you should be doing in the lead up to and during the race, why not contact us for a consultation or plan for your race. Book in for a consultation here daveynutrition Clinic or email us for more information –